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Scholarship Joint Program with the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva

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The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Geneva, delivers its Executive Masters in Development Policies and Practices (DPP) in partnership with Yunus Center AIT, with support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and private foundations.


The programme is designed for working professionals from across the Southeast Asia region. It provides strategic analysis tools and enhances the leadership capacity of participants who apply newfound skills through a professional thesis at work. Scholarships are available for a number of countries.


The curriculum is organised into modules that allow participants to learn while they apply concepts directly to their professional roles: Module 1 (4.5 weeks full-time in AIT Bangkok, Thailand with a focus on regional issues), Module 2 (4 months part-time, at place of work, with distance learning and professional thesis writing), and Module 3 (2.5 weeks full-time at IHEID Geneva, with DPP participants coming from other regions of the world).



Regional Coordinators:


Dr Faiz Shah

Director Programs AIT Extension


Dr. Nguyen Huong Thuy Phan

Academic Coordinator- DPP Program



The next session will start in August 2021 (to be confirmed because of COVID, flexible learning journey).


More info about the programme and applications>




Bruno Medroa, Programme Officer
+41 (0)22 908 62 53   









Posted on Tuesday, 2021-03-15 10:34


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