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The Professional Masters program is a curated program, combining School of Environment Resources Development (SERD) and School of Management (SOM) courses, with an integrated practicum led by Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus and his Social Business Academia Network.


Every semester of this Professional Masters will have a Practicum curriculum co-led by Yunus Network experts that will concurrently run with the classroom teaching through the academic sessions.


The Practicum is what makes this masters degree stand out from other Social Business degrees offered around the world. 


The practicums offered semester wise:

  • Semester: August - December

    • ​YC509. Field Lab 1 Social Problems & Traditional Solutions

    • YC510. Case Review 1 Critique of Social Businesses around the World

    •  YC202. Workshop 1 Analytical Tools for Social Business Entrepreneurs

  • Semester: ​January - May

    • YC713. Field Lab 2 Assignments with Grameen Network partners

    • YC814. Case Review 2 Reflective Review of Social Business Assignments

    • YC723. Workshop 2 Design Tools for Proof of Concept & Business Plans​

  • Inter Semester: June - July​

    • Internship: Co-delivered with Yunus, co-supervised by SERD or SOM Faculty within the Yunus Colloquium​


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Field Labs

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Case Reviews





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